Thursday, August 13, 2009

From Our Perspective: A National Women's Art Exhibition, Farmington Hills, MI

From Our Perspectives
Oakland Community College
Smith Theatre Gallery
27055 Orchard Lake Rd.
Farmington Hills, MI 48334

September 17 - October 9, 2009

Rosemary Dardick will be participating in the forthcoming From Our Perspective: A National Women’s Art Exhibition, the 19th annual juried women's art exhibtion sponsored by The Oakland Community College Womencenter.

The opening night reception and a theatre performance will be held
on Thursday, September 17 at 7 pm.

Energy Gallery, Toronto, Ontario

Energeia 23D13
Energy Gallery
141 Spadina Avenue (at Richmond St.), Toronto, Ontario
August 15-28, 2009
Hours: Wed - Sat: 12 – 5 pm, or by appointment
Tel: 647.427.5206

Rosemary Dardick's newly completed I-94 at Southfield Road, Detroit MI in 2008 diptych will be featured in Energy Gallery's 23D-13 show in Toronto, Ontario.
Ten international artists from Canada, France, Israel, Korea and the United States are included in an online exhibit as well as in the gallery.

Opening: Saturday August 15th, 2-5pm.

Participating artists:
Boris Shpeizman
Christina Pierson

Denise Duong
Gerard Frances
Jeffrey Burke
Philip E. Robinson
Richard Shipps
Rosemary Dardick
YangYang Pan